I recently took a 8 day vacation to Orlando with my girls , and honestly it was the vacation that Ineeded! Life was getting more routine by the day and I just needed to get away! It was cold and snowing in Chicago in April It was supposed to be spring so we decided to get away for “SPRANG BREAKK YALLL”. The vacation made me realize the importance of vacationing and I’m going to tell you why after the break . Get away : Sometimes as people we tend to get caught up in the the daily hustle and bustle of life. It gets repetitive and boring. You start to dread waking up everyday and doing the same routine . When you start to feel like this, it’s the perfect time to get out and go on a vacation .Vacations are a way to escape reality leave the shade and find the sunshine .
Meet new people : You honestly meet so many new people on vacatiion ! From the airport to the restaurants to the uber drivers ! Everyone has such a unique story . I love stopping and talking with people hearing about where they come from and their culture ! The extrovert in me has always been a talkative person I have a aura about me that gravitates people to me, so you will always find me stopped talking to people and before you know it we’re sharing our entire life stories! Perhaps the most interesting person I met was Julio from my flight. He was easily one of the most beautiful boys I ever seen and such an interesting story. From being a actor, to being a ninja, to being a karate super star. These are the people who you meet when you step out of your comfort zones and explore new places. Try new things : When you’re away from home you’re bound to run into things you’ve never experienced before. Since you’re a traveler You will want to try it and you should ! I went to the Epcot international flower and garden festival and I tried so many new foods ! I went to universal volcano bay water park and I got on a water slide for the first time in my 23 years of life ! That’s astounding to me in my 23 years I never been on a water slide! Granted I can’t swim but conquering a water slide was just something I felt like I had a civic duty to do! I enjoyed it, It was such a rush. But if I never traveled I would never have been on a water slide. I often think of all the things I would never have done if I wasn’t a traveler ! Your city only has so much to offer but the world has everything to offer. Get to know yourself: In my opinion When you’re traveling you really get a chance to know yourself.I mean of course you know yourself at home but do you know your travel self? They could be two different people. Are you the type of traveler that looks for the familiar or do you seek out new adventures? Do you like to stay on your resort or venture out to where the locals are? Do you like nightlife or do you like tourist attractions? These are the important questions one must ask before venturing out to travel and while picking travel partners. Get to know your friends better : Once you vacation with your girls you’re travel sisters for life! Sharing a hotel room or Airbnb with the same people for 8 days you really get to know them ! You share hair and makeup tips, you share fashion tips and of course tell secrets ! I learned so much about the girls I traveled with and vice versa. I don’t have any sisters so travel sisters are the next best thing to me ! I think I naturally take on the little sister role to all my friends, and being the little sister has so many benefits! For example I can’t curl my own hair but my travel sister she is an amazing hair stylist ! So for 8 days I had my own personal hair stylist ! Thats such a great benefit ! Seeing new cities : As a young person I feel it is my duty to get out there and see the world that we realize that there is more to life than what we see. I was lucky enough to start traveling at a young age with family but now that I’m grown I love to travel with friends. It’s such a different mood and vibe when traveling with friends ! It’s like constant fun! One of my favorite parts of traveling is talking to locals , finding out their slang words, asking them about the best restaurants to eat at and sharing things from where I live to them ! Each city has different dialects and vernaculars that are so unique yet somehow the same ! There is a huge pleasure factor for me in learning about others cultures. Since going on vacation in April me and my travel sister have already planned two international trips! I have such a new outlook on traveling, I feel like it’s my birthright to travel this world. One city, one country at a time I will conquer this world! I hope with this post I can inspire someone to get out there and travel, grab some friends and plan a trip it’s your birth right.
September 2024
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